Meeting the rascals behind the great quarterly online journal Southern Culture on the Fly this summer at the International Fly Tackle Dealer in Reno, NV was one the highlights of the trip. Dave and Steve have an infectious spirit of mischief that was right up my alley. So having a chance to see them in action was a treat.
This latest issue marks the 0ne year anniversary for the enterprise and it is chock full of great stuff, including a look at the fun that was IFTD and a couple of tunes to download from a Dispatch favorite, the Wrinkle Neck Mules. Here at Dispatches we raise a glass of Knob in their honor to mark this great milestone.
With its terrific photos and great writing S.C.O.F. is like a mini vacation to a sweet fishing spot right there on you computer screen. In between issues you can keep up with the latest news on their blog, Those of us who fish and guide in the southeast are fortunate to have this excellent journal around to chronicle the special magic of fly-fishing in this neck of the woods.
Give S.C.O.F. a read and don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss out in the future!