This week I got a somewhat cryptic Facebook message from my friend Toner at Truchacbra, “Congrats on the appearance in Trout, Tom.”
I had no idea what he was talking about.
I then came upon this post on Troutrageous! “I Have Lost All Faith In Trout Unlimited.”
Kinda made me wonder what was going on?
Come to find out Dispatches is in some mighty fine company in the an article by Chris Hunt in the Spring 2012 issue of Trout.
It was an unexpected honor to share the “Ten Fly-Fishing Blogs You Should Check Out” with those other fine blogs. If you are looking for a ready-made blog roll this list would be hard to beat.
Conservation Messengers
As Hunt notes in the article, there is a strong conservation message in these blogs. Hunt knows what he is writing about he not only works for TU, but also has a blog, Eat More Brook Trout that should be on this list as well.
What is interesting and important about this list is the conservation challenges these bloggers often write about. Conservation can be a tough beat. The policy and the politics can be rough going and sometimes the comments can be a bit troublesome to say the least. But these bloggers wade in and slug it out in both an informative and entertaining way. Blogs are an increasingly important channel of communication for getting the important conservation messages out to people. These folks are some of the very best at doing that. I am very proud to be in their company.
The Ten Fly-Fishing Blogs You Should Check Out list
Dispatches from the Middle River
And if you don’t belong to TU or haven’t renewed your membership, what are you waiting for. Go to now and throw a few extra $$$ in the pot for good measure.