Three years ago Tenkara USA bravely stepped into the industry spotlight and brought tenkara to the fly fishing industry’s annual trade show, IFTD. Since then a number of rods have appeared on the market and this year Tenkara USA, Patagonia and Tenkara Rod company all had space at IFTD.
When I started guiding tenkara trips the number of tenkara rods available in the US was pretty limited. Today, not so much.
Mostly because my clients regularly ask the question, “How many tenkara rods are there on the market?” I decided to pull a list together of the various tenkara rods currently available in the U.S. that I am aware of.
As I get a chance to try different rods, I’ll post a review.
In all likelihood I will miss someone, if I do please let me know and I’ll add you to the list.
Here is my current list (Mark 1, Mod 3 087614):
- Tenkara USA
- Patagonia (Temple Fork Outfitters)
- Tenkara Rod Co
- Temple Fork Outfitters
- Fast Eddy
- Streamside Leaders
- DRAGONtail
- Causewell
- Badger
- Riverworks
- Zen Fly Fishing
- Tenkara Bum (Multiple imports)
- Three Rivers Tenkara (Try 360)
- The Tenkara Shop (Tenkara no Oni rods)
- Tenkara Fly Fishing (Fountainhead)
- Tenkara Customs
- Tenkara-Fisher (Sakura)
26AUG14 1030: Thanks to Rick for pointing out the links snafu!!!