It is always a pleasure when a friend calls out of the blue.
Yesterday while pondering the post mid-term election scene one of my western friends rang in for a chat. He is one a small group of hunting and fishing friends out west who work as hard at conservation as they do at fishing and hunting. So after catching up on our adventures afield and talking about politics he asked if I knew about the Bull Moose Sportsman’s Alliance. “Sure do” was my reply.
Bull Moose Sportsman’s Alliance
We talked some more about the alliance, some recent press they got and where they were headed. Given the fact we have just finished a pretty intense election cycle the need for this group is pretty self-evident.
I came across them on Facebook and after checking out their web site really liked what I saw.

As a sportsman, Theodore Roosevelt’s passion for the rod and gun was equally matched by a strong conservation ethic for the sake of both sport and wildlife. It is time sportsmen revive Roosevelt’s passion and unite around an agenda built on common values to respond to the 21st Century challenges facing hunters and anglers.
The Bull Moose Sportsmen advocate for our outdoor traditions by building a network of sportsmen to advance our collective interests with policy makers.
Sounds pretty good don’t you think?
It gets better. There is also the Bull Moose Sportsmen’s Alliance Action Fund. The action fund makes campaign contributions to candidates who support the goals of the Alliance.
You can join the Alliance for free, but they will certainly put donations to good use.
If you want to help in the political game then send a contribution to the action fund.
Looking ahead
The need to educate our elected officials on the important contribution hunting and fishing and conservation makes to our economy and our quality of life continues. As hunters and anglers we need to engage our elected officials and educate them. The Bull Moose Sportsman’s Alliance gives us a chance to do that.