Anyone living that morning ten years ago watched their world change forever. Some didn’t make it out alive. Many have changed and been lost in these last ten years.
The call went out that morning and was answered by many brave men and women. Some didn’t make it out alive. Many have changed and been lost in these last ten years.
Some who answered the call that day and in the following ten years have been defending you and me. Some didn’t make it out alive. Many have changed and been lost in these last ten years.
When some who answered the call that day and in the following ten years defending you and me return they are changed. They deserve our thanks. They deserve our help. They need to be part of our community again.
As you reflect on that day and the intervening ten years, take a moment to reflect and remember those who went forth to defend our country and the price they pay.
Not sure what that means?
Watch this:
Veterans and Suicide – We Must Overcome
Leave a comment if you would like to learn how to help.
Keep the faith. Aho.