Tom Nichols, writing in the Atlantic, Engaging With Trump’s Die-Hard Supporters Isn’t Productive makes the case for ignoring the conspiracy whack jobs and Trump sycophants and starve them of the attention and notoriety they crave.
Nichols points out that arguing with the delusional is not only a waste of your time, but it gives legitimacy to those beliefs. Seriously, how much time would you give to someone who wanted to argue with you about the composition of the moon? Precious little I’ll wager. Same for the post-election nonsense.
Nichols also makes an important point out these Trump sycophants. When it comes to programs or policy, there is no there, there. No serious policy or programs underpin Trump’s actions. It is all grievance and disdain. Hardly a path to serious discussions or a better country.
The sooner we refuse to continue such conversations, the sooner we might return to being a serious nation.”
Nichols is right, it’s hurting the country. Time to give it up.