With any luck this will be my last political post of this election. I hope that you will vote and take advantage of the opportunity we have in this country to make our preference for elected leaders known.
As has been my practice, I’ve written a letter to the editor of my local paper.
The land, water and wild things that inhabit it don’t get to vote, but you do. There is a clear choice with Joe Biden. If you enjoy the great outdoors, especially hunting and fishing on public lands, vote on their behalf and show an understanding and appreciation for the bounty of our public lands.
Read the full letter: https://www.newsleader.com/story/opinion/readers/2020/10/30/our-public-lands-deserve-our-vote/5980029002/
Politics has been a vocation and advocation of mine for more than 40 years. Never has an election in that span of time been more important for the future our country. I’ve made my choice.
To those I angered or annoyed, with my opinions or preferences, I apologize, I hope politics doesn’t define our friendship.
And know this, I will always support the chance for you to make yours.