Writing articles that admit you made a mistake is never easy. Kathleen Parker’s I was wrong about Trump. He won, and he broke us, is a well written look back at views that did not stand the march of future events.
For me she got to the heart of the damage done in the last four years with this.
Trump’s call to overthrow the 2020 election, which gained traction through a lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) against four swing states, has exposed the underbelly of the GOP. There’s nothing some Republicans won’t do to hold on to power, even at the expense of the country’s dwindling chances to unite in common cause. Seventeen additional Republican attorneys general joined Paxton’s suit, while 126 Republican House members signed an amicus brief supporting Paxton’s request that the Supreme Court overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. The court dismissed the request Friday night.
As she says, “what’s wrong with you people?” To which I add, have you no shame?